How I finally got to know that his wife was pregnant (14th week - so for quite a while already) ..... just read the following:
After having gone back to Joburg, Jeff wrote on Monday, February 26th, early in the morning:
Robbery !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the 'silence' .... I got involved in an armed robbery incident after I landed in Johannesburg, Saturday.
If you don't believe me, you can GOOGLE it.
I'm trying to get my life back in order .... credit cards, passport, drivers licence, id's, etc. etc.
I'll talk to you when I can.
I did as he had suggested and found the article talking about this. It said
... that the award-winning CNN Africa Correspondent Jeff Koinange and his pregnant wife were robbed at gunpoint ....
I had to read this minimum 10 times to really believe what it meant !!!!!!
Why had he hidden this from me and instead continued talking about having a relationship (and child) with my daughter?
And even now in his mail talking about the robbery, just mention himself 'I got involved .... I'm trying to get my life back in order ....'
I... !!!!!!!!!! I ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not once the word 'we' including his wife in this !!!!!!!!
It took me two days to 'cool down' - and then on Wednesday, February 28th, I wrote:
I still canot believe this !!!!!!!
You should have been the happiest man in the world knowing that - finally - your wife is pregnant.
And you should have told me - since as you said many times before, this was the only 'gap' in your life to really make you a happy man.
So why did you not say anything to me and instead continued talking about needing a 'heir' and wanting my daughter??????
How does your wife feel about all this ????? Does she know that you planned to have a child with another woman - just in case ??????
It makes me really sad just to think about it .... and it makes me furious at the same time .... I do not think you should get away with all this so easily.
Life has given you a lesson with that robbery - but maybe you need a little more than that to realize that you cannot play with the feelings of other people.
I wonder if and what you will reply to this - or if you prefer to go 'underground' because you do not know what to say for your defense ....
If I had expected a compassionate reply of a loving husband and father-to-be, Jeff proved me once again wrong.
Instead of giving a decent explanation, he choose to attack and threaten me when he wrote on March 1st:
Two can 'play' the game ......
To BLACKMAIL me will NOT work, Marianne .... and besides, it's the LAST thing you want to do because you stand to LOOSE as much as I do ......
For one, I have a 'lovely' NAKED photo of you on a beach which about a DOZEN newspapers (from Kenya to New York) would be more than interested in getting their hands on ......
Especially if the CAPTION under it reads, 'Moi's former Mistress' .... and underneath that 'Moi shared her with others like Harry Bellafonte, Julio Iglesias, Sal Davis and many more ......
And think of the EMBARRASSMENT it would bring to your family .... unless of course you don't give a DAMN about them .....
And don't forget, I have the addresses you gave me to send copies of my book .... and the one you wrote on the FEDEX invoice .....
I wonder if a certain Mr. NICK BOIT (Nicholas Biwott) would be interested in that ?????????
Are you prepared to 'MOVE' again ??????????
The BOTTOM LINE, don't even think of Blackmailing me ...... it won't work .......
If you want to 'behave' like an adult and continue talking, I am prepared to do so ......
Let's 'settle' this like reasonable Human Beings .....
I was very upset by his mail - it was the last I had expected him to write after what he did to me London.
But deciding 'to play it cool' I replied:
I was not blackmailing you - I was just putting things right - but you have decided not only to blackmail but also to threaten me - exactly in the way John Troon had warned me you would ....
I did not want to believe him .... but now I have to.
But like in the past - I am not scared - not by you and not by Biwott or anybody else.
You should know this by now !!!!!!
But then I decided I had to 'fight back' and wrote the letter to the CNN President Jim Walton with copies to Chris Cramer, Jim Clansy, Jonathan Mann, Femi Oke and Oprah Winfrey..........
But I did not stop here. Since I had the impression that Jeff needed more than that, I also passed the information of the whole sad story to the Kenyan Blogger Kumekucha.
And on March 5th, they published everything under the title
' Top Kenyan Journalist in Date Rape Incident' .........
..... and that was the beginning of the end of Jeff Koinange's award-winning career with CNN ..........
----- to be continued later today --------
Saturday, 16 February 2008
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